Common Names: Trailing Windmills, Trailing Four O’Clock, Pink Windmills, Trailing Allionia
Synonyms: Allionia incarnata, Allionia incarnata var. nudata
Family: Nyctaginaceae (Four O’clock)
Habit: perennial forb, herb
Size: less than 6 inches tall, trailing out as far as
Flowers: violet, pink, purple, yellow tiny flowers
Bloom: primary flowering time is spring through fall, but may flower year-round
Leaves: opposite
Fruit: achene in hardened perianth base
Allionia incarnata is an easily-recognized species that produces long stalks growing along the ground, with bright pink flowers at intervals, amongst larger green leaves. What appears to be a single flower is actually a cluster of three, each with three petals, split at the ends, so the overall appearance is of a flower with 18 petals. Leaves are often reddish at the edge, and tend to have wavy margins.
Distribution: AZ, CA, CO, NM, NV, OK, TX, UT
Seen: NV (Red Rock)
Habitat: sandy and gravelly soils under 5000 feet