Common Names: Stansbury Cliffrose, Quininebush, Cliffrose
Synonyms: Purshia stansburiana
Family: Rosaceae (Rose)
Habit: evergreen perennial shrub
Size: up to 9 feet (3 m)
Flowers: white, yellow
Bloom: Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Leaves: alternate, dotted
Fruit: achene with plume
It frequently shares habitat with Mahogany. It is found on cliffs, hillsides and mesas but also in washes. It is covered in shreddy bark. The small, very thick, glandular leaves are divided into several lobes which may be divided into sub-lobes. The leaves on the upper side are dotted, i.e. are punctate. The shrub blooms abundantly in white or cream-colored flowers with clawed petals; flowers are strongly and sweetly fragrant. Blooming continues from spring until the first frost. The fruit is an achene, a long plumelike structure up to 6 centimeters long. The plume is dispersed on the wind and by animals such as rodents. The shrub is drought-tolerant and the seedlings may actually survive better in years of below average precipitation.
Distribution: CA, NV, UT, CO, AZ, NM
Seen: NV (Red Rock)
Habitat: woodlands, desert, and plateau habitat