Common Names: Silky Dalea, Soft Prairie Clover, Downy Daley
Synonyms: Dalea mollissima, Dalea mollis var. mollissima, Dalea neomexicana ssp. mollissima
Taxonomy: Fabaceae (Pea)
Habit: annual Forb, herb
Size: to 10 inches (35 cm)
Flowers: white, red, purple
Bloom: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May
Leaves: alternate
Fruit: single-seeded legume pod
Alternate leaves, generally odd-1-pinnate, leaflets 8-14, round to obovate-oblong, 3-10 mm long, generally folded, shallowly lobed or wavy, stipules inconspicuous, thread-like or glandular. Flowers are pale cream to lavender, clustered in densely soft-hairy infloresences. Flowers are similar to others in the pea family growing on dense 1 inch (2.5 cm) long spikes.
Distribution: AZ, CA, NV
Seen: NV
Habitat: Desert flats and in washes, under 3,000 feet (900 m) in elevation. Locally plentiful in years of good rainfall.