Common Names: Pingue Rubberweed, Pingue Hymenoxys
Synonyms: Hymenoxys richardsonii
Taxonomy: Aster (Asteraceae)
Habit: perennial forb, herb, subshrub
Size: up to 18”
Flowers: yellow
Bloom: May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Leaves: basal
Fruit: cypsela
It can grow with just single stems but it can (and more commonly does) also grow with many stems. Basal and stem leaves are narrow and basal leaves grow in tufts. Grows to 18″ with up to 10 woody stems and 30 flower heads per plant. Yellow flowers are ¾” across.
Distribution: AZ, CO, ID, MT, ND, NM, TX, UT, WY
Seen: UT
Habitat: Semi-desert, foothills, alpine meadows, openings, woodlands, shrublands