Common Name: Orange-crowned Warbler
Scientific Name: Leiothlypis celata
Subspecies: There are 4 subspecies, the one around Las Vegas is Leiothlypis celata sordida, seen in Southern California out to Las Vegas
Order/Family: Passeriformes/Parulidae (Wood Warblers)
Description: The orange-crowned warbler has olive-grey upperparts, yellowish underparts with faint streaking and a thin pointed bill. It has a faint line over each eye and a faint broken eye ring. The orange patch on the crown is usually not visible. Females and immatures are duller in color than males. Western birds are more yellower than eastern birds. Orange-crowned warblers are distinguished by their lack of wing bars, streaking on the underparts, strong face marking or bright coloring. Western birds are brighter yellow/green with faint breast stripes. Head color varies from gray in the east to yellow/green in the west.
Distribution: Their breeding habitat is open shrubby areas across Canada, Alaska and the western United States. These birds migrate in the winter to the southern United States and south to Central America. Although they are quite common in the western United States, they are uncommon in the east.
Habitat: Shrubby habitats with trees, especially near water.