Male Green-Winged Teal (Anas carolinensis). HendersonBird Viewing Preserve, Las Vegas (December 21)

Green-Winged Teal (Anas carolinensis)

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Male Green-Winged Teal (Anas carolinensis). Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve, Las Vegas (December 21)
Male Green-Winged Teal (Anas carolinensis). Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve, Las Vegas (December 21)

Common Name: Green-Winged Teal
Scientific Name: Anas carolinensis
Order/Family: Anseriformes/Anatidae (Water Birds)

Description: This is the smallest North American dabbling duck. The breeding male has grey flanks and back, with a yellow rear end and a white-edged green speculum, obvious in flight or at rest. It has a chestnut head with a green eye patch. The Males have a vertical white stripe on side of breast. The females are light brown, with plumage much like a female mallard. They can be distinguished from most ducks on size, shape, and the speculum. Separation from female common teal is problematic. In non-breeding (eclipse) plumage, the drake looks more like the female.

Distribution: In northern areas of the United States, green-winged teal migrating to wintering grounds appear in early September through mid-December. They begin migrating into most central regions during September and often remain through December. On their more southerly winter areas, green-winged teal arrive as early as late September, but most do not appear until late November.
Habitat: Green-winged teal inhabit inland lakes, marshes, ponds, pools, and shallow streams with dense emergent and aquatic vegetation. They prefer shallow waters and small ponds and pools during the breeding season.

Male Green-Winged Teal (Anas carolinensis). Las Vegas Wash, Henderson, Nevada (May 12)
Male Green-Winged Teal (Anas carolinensis). Las Vegas Wash, Henderson, Nevada (May 12)
Green-winged Teal (Anas carolinensis). Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve, Las Vegas (December 17)
Green-winged Teal (Anas carolinensis). Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve, Las Vegas (December 17)