Common Names: Coues’ Cassia, Coues’ Senna, Coves’ Cassia, Cove Senna, Dais, Desert Senna, Rattlebox, Rattlebox Senna, Rattleweed (Spanish: Ejotillo, Hojasèn, Daisillo, Ojosón, Oyasón, Rosamaría)
Synonyms: Senna covesii
Taxonomy: Pea (Fabaceae)
Habit: perennial subshrub
Size: up to 2’
Flowers: yellow, 5 petals
Bloom: Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct
Leaves: alternate pinnate
Fruit: legume pod
I saw this Desert Senna on the side of the road near Cedar City, Utah. It grows to 30–60 cm tall, and is leafless most of the year. The leaves are pinnate, 3–7 cm long, with two or three pairs of leaflets (no terminal leaflet); the leaflets are elliptical, 1.0-2.5 cm long. The flowers are yellow in color, with five rounded petals about 12 mm long.
Distribution: AZ, CA, NM, NV, UT, Mexico and Baja
Habitat: Dry rocky slopes, sandy desert washes and mesas between 1000’ and 3000’ above sea level