Common Names: Desert Chicory, New Mexico Plumeseed, Plume-seed
Synonyms: Rafinesquia neomexicana
Family: Asteraceae (Aster Family)
Habit: Annual Forb, Herb
Size: up to 2 feet
Flowers: white
Bloom: Mar, Apr, May
Leaves: basal
Fruit: cypsela
Plants are gray-green with sparse foliage and are between 0.5-2 feet (15-50 cm) high. Basal leaves are 2 to 8 inches (5-20 cm) long and pinnate with narrow lobes while leaves further up the stem are smaller. Flower heads occur singly at the tip of branches. The flower heads are composed of strap-shaped ray flowers, growing longer toward the outer portion of the head, and collectively creating the appearance of a single flower as in other sunflower family plants.
Distribution: AZ, CA, NM, NV, TX, UT
Seen: NV (Primm)
Habitat: Sandy or gravelly flats or slopes in deserts, often supported by shrubs