Common Names: Coyote Melon, Coyote Gourd
Synonyms: Cucurbita palmata
Family: Cucurbitaceae (Gourd)
Habit: perennial forb, herb, vine
Size: under 1 foot tall, sprawling up to 6 feet
Flowers: yellow
Bloom: Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Leaves: alternate
Fruit: gourd
Cucurbita palmata is a species of flowering plant in the squash family known by the common names coyote melon and coyote gourd. It is similar to Cucurbita californica, Cucurbita cordata, Cucurbita cylindrata, and Cucurbita digitata and all these species hybridize readily. Cucurbita palmata is a sprawling vine with rough, stiff-haired stems and leaves. The dark green, light-veined leaves are sharply palmate with usually five long triangular points. The stiff, curling yellow flowers are 2-3 inches (68 centimeters wide. The plant bears smooth spherical or oblate squash fruits 2-3 inches (8-10 cm) wide. The fruits may be bright yellow to dark green and may have white stripes. The fruit is bitter annd was used for soap by native Americans. The seeds were cleaned and ground into flour.
Distribution: AZ, CA, NV, UT
Seen: NV
Habitat: soil that is loose, gravelly, and well-drained