Common Names: Arizona Dock, Canaigre Dock, Canaigre, Desert Rhubarb, Tanner’s Dock
Synonyms: Rumex hymenosepalus var. euhymenosepalus, Rumex hymenosepalus var. salinus
Taxonomy: Knotweed (Polygonaceae)
Habit: perennial forb, herb
Size: 1-3’ tall
Flowers: green, red, yellow
Bloom: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May
Leaves: basal
Fruit: aschene
It grows very large basal leaves very quickly, early in the spring. A tall, stout flower stalk follows with tiny green/red/yellow flowers that are replaced by showy pink/red/brown seed pods. Early leaves of this and related Rumex species are palatable as a potherb, giving rise to the “Wild Rhubarb” common name. Leaves persist through the summer but toughen with age.
Distribution: AZ, CA, CO, MT, NM, NV, OK, TX, UT, WY
Habitat: It is commonly seen in streambeds and gulches, though it is also found on well-drained high ground.